Discover Are there any fixed work hours in PR internships in India? The PR industry works round the clock. There are no fixed work hours for PR internships in India. The timings are flexible based on the…
Discover What is the importance of content writing in digital PR? Digital PR involves showcasing brand stories in the best way possible. This requires good content writing skills and a knowledge of what…
Discover Why is content writing useful? The world is rapidly moving online. Digital marketing is replacing traditional advertising. More people than ever now consult the internet…
Discover How does one become a celebrity PR agent? Though there is no compulsory qualification to become a celebrity PR agent, studies in Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM) helps one understand the…
Discover What is the PESO Model everyone is talking about? PESO Model is implemented when a campaign is executed by a PR organisation to achieve its aims and objectives. It is an acronym that stands…
Discover 5 PR blogs to follow PR professionals are not passionate bloggers. Reason for them not being avid bloggers are client constraints, guidelines from consultancy,…